Last Garden Harvest
Our home garden did not disappoint this year. It was all we could do to keep up with harvest all the goodies, and thanks to some extended warmer weather we harvested well into October, eating the last of it this November. Cheers to green thumbs!
Good Vineyard Views
There’s no argument that the light at sun rise and magical. Match that with work in a vineyard, tucked between mountains, and well… good view. Cheers!
Home Garden Update
Our plant starts have been in the ground for about 6 weeks and we had our first veggie pick of the season this past weekend! (not counting herbs and greens) Every year we learn more about the space we have to grow, what grows best here, and what we enjoy watching grow, picking, and eating. This season, so far, it’s become really apparent where the sunshine hits first and longest. We have a zuchinni plant on either side of the garden. One we harvested a giant squash from and the other just has its first flower. Each to its own.
Did you plant a home garden this summer? What are you most looking forward to picking and enjoying? Let us know in the comments!
Clearing land
This week we’ve been helping with a project clear the land along the property edge. Cleaning up lots of weeds, branches, blackberry vines, and dead trees. Here are a few photos:
Mustard Flowers
The yellow mustard flowers that come up after a good dose of winter rains have out done themselves, and I know I’m grateful. This year can really use the bright spot, and in the bright yellow waves that’s literally what they are around wine country right now. Great time to just take a drive and enjoy. Here are a few photos:
Clearing Brush
Happy start to the week! We’ve been clearing brush, taking care of the land, and enjoying the view we create. Here are a couple photos:
A little rain, hopes for more
This week we had a few days of rain. A few good soaks, puddle jumps, cozy evenings, and bejeweled plants. As we kick off the pruning season… a few photos from out and about this week:
Clearing Brush
Here are a couple photos from last week - clearing brush, making head way, getting ready for the rainy season, and being mindful of the fire season. First photo is before, second is after at the same location/spot.
Fire Clean Up
This week we helped a client clean up brush to keep their property clear and safer during the fire season. Let us know if you’d like help cleaning up your property.
After - brush in small piles, ready for the burn pile
A Little Green
Note - this post was originally published 3/21/2014.
This week it was a pleasure to drive around the Russian River and Napa Valleys. The first signs of green. Only a little rain this year and yet we still get to enjoy greenery. Spring is here:
Note - this post was first published 3/8/2014.
lees: the sediment of a liquor (as wine) during fermentation and aging > Merriam-Webster
lees: Heavy sediment left in the barrel by fermenting wines; a combination of spent yeast cells and grape solids >
lees: sediment consisting of dead yeast cells, grape pulp, seed, and other grape matter that accumulates during fermentation > Wine School of Philadelphia
We took this photo when we racked some of our wine off the lees (just taking the clean wine, taking care).
Vineyards: Pest Management
Note - this post was originally published 2/19/2014.
Congrats to Francisco! He is now a licensed private applicator for pesticides. Looking for someone to employ to take care of your vineyards and/or wine? Look no further. Awesome career development and good for personal safety. He can now apply pesticides and teach others about the safety precautions to take when working with pesticides.
There are many strategies for pest management in the vineyards. At some point to protect the grapes though, vineyard owners (even the organically farmed ones) often choose to spray. For example, they might spray a sulfur solution to prevent molds/powdery mildew after summer rains.
Another Wet and Gloomy Day
Note - this post was originally published 2/5/2014.
There’s no thunder, but the sounds strike you with awe nonetheless. Listening to the rain pound the earth in waves. It’s beautiful. Rain’s not just for the ducks and the vines. It brings life and makes us happy too. Another wet and gloomy day under the blanket of clouds… Yippee!
Some day we'll have our own little weather station, but for now the best data we could find online for this area was based out of Santa Rosa - Sonoma County (west over the Mayacama mountain range from Napa Valley). We haven't gone for a driving tour, but here's betting there's a good bit of flooding around the vines in the Russian River Valley. We did run into a little flooding ourselves while out for a walk: