Different Winter Work
It snowed in the area! We’re not used to seeing snow and enjoying the change of pace. Being careful and helping cut down fallen trees around the vineyards this week:
And there’s the vineyard
After an epic clean up - weed whacking carefully between the vines earlier this year everything is clear and ready to soak up the sunshine.
Weed Whacking Champ
When it’s been a minute, and you need help weed whacking in the vineyard with precision - mowing down the weeds and protecting the vines. Francisco did and expert job in this vineyard. Here’s a picture of the before.
End of Season Weed Whacking
Before the rains started, and the thoughts of potential fires were still on everyone’s mind (October anyone?) we had some more requests for a little more weed whacking along the edges of the vineyard. Keeping it clean and clear!
Pinot Noir ready
Harvest is always a wonderfully crazy time. There are so many variables to line up in hopes of catch the grapes at their best. Here are some photos from a Pinot Noir pick this harvest.
Harvest 2021
Harvest is well underway. For us it starts with the Pinot Noir grapes. We pick and night or in the early morning, so the fruit is fresh - cooler, and firmer for transport to the winery.
Vineyard view
Sometimes, you just get that chance for a great view from the top. Francisco was working on the roof of a winery one day, and took this photo. Wine country looking good.
Smoky view
We’ve had some smoky days here in wine country. The all two familiar red morning sun and low hanging haze. Here’s a view from one morning in the vineyard:
Veraison 2021
When the grapes begin to turn their purple, pink, red colors we call it veraison. It’s exciting and begins the count down to harvest. Here’s a photo of the change.
Keeping It Clean
It’s hard work, but also satisfying working. Tending the the vines, and keeping the vineyard clean. When the vineyard looks this good, there’s no doubt that it’s been well taken care of.
Second Pass Suckering
The vines are growing, summer sun and all... This gives us an opportunity to do a second pass through the vineyard and sucker the plants. Here are some photos from vineyards that we’ve worked again this month. Cheers!
Wine Grape Update
Most of our vineyards are on the cusp of veraison - getting ready to be ready, so to speak. They’re looking good…
Home Garden Update
Our plant starts have been in the ground for about 6 weeks and we had our first veggie pick of the season this past weekend! (not counting herbs and greens) Every year we learn more about the space we have to grow, what grows best here, and what we enjoy watching grow, picking, and eating. This season, so far, it’s become really apparent where the sunshine hits first and longest. We have a zuchinni plant on either side of the garden. One we harvested a giant squash from and the other just has its first flower. Each to its own.
Did you plant a home garden this summer? What are you most looking forward to picking and enjoying? Let us know in the comments!
Clearing land
This week we’ve been helping with a project clear the land along the property edge. Cleaning up lots of weeds, branches, blackberry vines, and dead trees. Here are a few photos:
Purple Air
Have you used the purple air tool online yet? It shows air quality readings from all around. You type in your location, and it pulls up a map with the closest readings and a key too show you just how bad it’s gotten. Confirmation and another map to get oriented during these hazy days.
View looking over northern Napa Valley last week.